- Wood Wagon Wheels & Steel Wheels For Sale

Handmade Authentic Wood Wagon Wheels & Axles , Cannon Wheels, Steel Wagon Wheels, Decorative Wagon Wheels, Decorative Yard Carts, Buggy & Carriage Wheels, Antique Wood Wagon Wheels and Axles custom built for your projects.

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  • Logo - Wood & Steel Wagon Wheels For Sale
  • Wood & Steel Wagon Wheels for Wagons & Yard Carts
  • Wood Wagon Wheels, Wooden Wagon Wheels, Cannon Wheels
  • Steel Wagon Wheels & Cannon Wheels
  • Manufactured Decorative Wood Wagon Wheels to your Specifications


Handmade Wood Wagon Wheels & Wagons Crafted in the USA

Wagon Wheels, Wooden Wagon Wheels,Custom Wagon Wheels, Cannon Wheels, Steel Wagon Wheels

Wagon Wheels, real Wood Wagon Wheels, the kind of Wagon Wheels that made America. Wagon Wheel, we do have Real Wagon Wheels for Sale. Wooden Wagon Wheels, Custom Wagon Wheels, Horse Drawn Wagon Wheels, even Decorative Wagon Wheels. Wagon Wheel Chandeliers. Wagon Wheels, Wagon Wheels and Wagons. Hand Made in the USA.

Wagon Wheel - Wood Wagon Wheels For Sale

We are a family owned and operated business, located in Arizona and Ohio. You will find these wagon wheels, cannon wheels, and wagon wheel chandeliers In the movies (Paramount, DreamWorks, Warner Brothers Pictures, Disney, Turner Films), on TV (Trading Places, Into The West, Myth Busters), on the beach at resorts, in university theater groups and major theme parks (Disney, Six Flags, Silver Dollar City, Kenny wood, Tweetsie Rail Road) across America.


Abraham Lincoln Hearse, 150th Anniversary Springfield, IL

Custom Wagons - Rebuilding The Abraham Lincoln Hearse

View Photos and Videos Abraham Licoln Hearse, Click Picture

Click To View Pictures and Videos, THANK YOU to the citizens of Springfield, IL for their kindness and hospitality and especially to the Staab Family without whom this project would never have existed. Custom Wagons was one of the build teams of Combat Veterans for the reconstruction of the Abraham Lincoln Hearse and the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of his burial in Springfield's Oak Ridge Cemetery.

The problem was that the original hearse had been retired after it was used for the Abraham Lincoln funeral. The hearse itself was stored on the second floor of Lynch & Arnot livery company, where it was destroyed in a massive Feb. 9, 1887, fire that killed three people and about 200 horses.

There was only one picture that existed of the original hearse, so all the information about the original hearse needed for the reconstruction of the new hearse, had to be extrapolated from that one existing picture.


Cannon Wheels for Dunking' Donuts Pumpkin Muffins TV Commercial

Cannon Wheels For Dunkin Donuts.

Wood Cannon Wheels For Dunkin Donuts

Click To View Commercial, When Dunkin' Donuts wanted their new Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Muffins TV Commercial, with a play on Pumpkin Chunkin and a catapult would be a good idea, which meant Custom Wagons got a call to make the Wheels for the catapult.

The two companies that were building the monster catapult, Steelhead Studios in Holyoke, MA and The Specialists LTD, a weapons Prop Company in NY, could design and make the catapult; their problem was those pesky heavy Wood Cannon Wheels. As you can see, the catapult's wood chassis stood eleven feet high and held a twenty two foot long steel boom.


Custom Wagon Wheels

Custom Wagon Wheels.

Wood Wagon Wheels For Electric Carriage

Custom Wagons built the unique Custom Wagon Wheels for this one of a kind art vehicle which artist Seth Kinmont exhibited in New York at Project No. 8 and was later on display at the Henry Art Gallery in Washington. This carriage runs on four (4) 12 volt batteries. Artist Seth Kinmont's Electric Wood Automobile, view Videos and Pictures of this Electric Wood Vehicle on our site, Kinmont introduces the automobile to American, by using the allure and history of independence and travel.

To View The Video and Pictures of Wood Automobile, CLICK HERE

Real Wagon Wheels for Sale. Wooden Wagon Wheels, Custom Built Wagon Wheels, Horse Drawn Wagon Wheels, Decorative Wagon Wheels, Steel Wagon Wheels, Chandeliers and Decorative Wagons (yard carts) Hand Made in the USA.

Custom Wagons will Rebuild those Wheels for You

Our wheelwrights can rebuild those hard to find Wood Hub wheels, Sarvin wheels, Archibald wheels, and many other types of old wagon wheels. Most cannon wheels have either wood hubs or Archibald hubs.
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