Hotel - Resort Surrey - Horse Drawn Surrey
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Standard Horse Drawn Surrey:
- 32" x 120" body
- 1-1/8" roller bearing axles
- Side eliptical springs in rear
- Full auto top
- Vinyl diamond button tuck upholstery
- Draft horse shafts with circle bar brace
- Patent vinyl dash and fenders
- Fitted floor mat
- Full length passenger entry steps
- Driver body entry steps
- Automotive paint finish and striped
- Fancy body reed trim
- Foot rests (3)
- Arm rests (3 pair)
- Polished brass line holder - $34.00, chrome
- Complete six piece side storm curtains
- Fitted floor carpet
- Patrician Carriage Lamps
- Anderson square lamps with brackets
- Pole with evener and yoke complete to match
- Treasure chest
- Lights on rear for safety and night driving, includes fiberglass battery case, complete wiring, switch panel, flashers, and 12v marine battery
- Polished brass fancy rein rail
- Polished brass dust caps - $70.00, chrome
- Whip socket brass or stainless bands
- Fitted cover with top up
- Detachable slow moving vehicle sign
- Axle steps
- Complete 10" hydraulic brake system
- Reflective velcro wrap for spoke wheels - $20.00, for pole or shafts
- Hydraulic brake lock system
- Passenger step courtesy lights
- Extra fancy body reed trim